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Getting Started (11) General Questions (38)
What is Fantastico De Luxe?Setting E-mail Account On Your Android PhoneSetting E-mail Account On Your BlackBerrySetting E-mail Account On Your iPhoneHow can I point the domain name to you?How do I get SSL certificate on my account?Can I have additional disk space or bandwidth for my account?How can I transfer my hosting account to you?Addon Domains vs Parked DomainsMy site does not appear in the browsermore topics What version of PHP do you use?Can I edit httpd conf file?Do you back-up my website?I also want to provide web hosting services to my clients or friends? Do you have an easy to use reseller web hosting plan?What forms of payments do you accept?How do I sign up for your Web Hosting?Can I use JSP on my site?Can I use ASP?Do you offer webdesign?Do you offer merchant accounts?more topics
Billing & Accounts (8) Cpanel - user interface, features & functions (4)
Can I acess MySQL remotely?My site is suspended. What do I do?I want to cancel hosting account. What do i do?Forgot my password. Need to reset it. What do i do?How do I renew subscription?I have not received account details for my order. What should I do?Do you store Credit Card details?How can I pay for your services?more topics Webalizer Stats not updatingThe Login is invalidRedirection to https:// for Cpanel, Webmail & WHMWhere can I veiw/update my stats?more topics
PHP & MySQL (8) Email Questions (10)
What version of MySQL do you use?Change TimeZoneHow to turn on register_globalsI need PHP5 for my scripts, but the server has PHP4 installed only. Please upgrade PHP.Is PHPBB forum allowed on Shared hosting?Do you support Phpsuexec?Do you support FormMail.php?What version of phpmyadmin do you support?more topics Setting E-mail Account On Your Android PhoneSetting E-mail Account On Your BlackBerrySetting E-mail Account On Your iPhoneHow do I enable SMTP Authentication for my email accounts?I cannot send emails Setting E-mail Account On Outlook 2013 / 2016Form using CGIemailWhat is the maximum size of the email that can be sent?Can I have my own SMTP servers ?Can I use email catch all facility?more topics
FTP & Uploading files (3) Technical Stuff (23)
Uploading FilesHow do I set up Dreamweaver's FTP connection?Permissions for file uploadingmore topics How do I enable SMTP Authentication for my email accounts?Do you allow Wild card DNS ?Do you support SFTP?What are the server hardware specifications for the shared hosting?Where can I change the MX record for my domain name?What are my POP3 settings?My mailing script is not working?What are your limits on the usage of system resources?What are Domain Name Servers or DNS?What version of Apache do you use?more topics
 Anti Spam Policy / Mass Mailing
  Any unsolicited email transmitted over 's network is strictly prohibited and will result in instant termination without notice. We do not want spam, we do not want bulk mailers, if your site has a mailing list, you better make sure it's double
 What is A-record?
 A-record is the most basic and the most important DNS record type. It is used to translate domain names such as "" into IP-addresses such as (An IP Address is a unique string of numbers, usually shown in groups separated
 Do you support Catch-all for email?
 Catch-all is supported by default.
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